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Publication Ethics

  • Make sure that all data and calculations presented in the manuscript are accurate and reliable.
  • Provide sufficient detail on methodologies to facilitate others to reproduce the experiment.
  • Notify our editorial team immediately if any errors are discovered in published work and request necessary corrections.

Publication Fees

  • Our open-access articles are available to everyone, even without a subscription. This means that anyone can read, download, and use the research literature published in the Journal of Science Nexus for free. We adopt the pay-to-publish model to ensure that the costs of making the research freely accessible to all readers are covered by the authors or their institutions. Please contact for more information.
  • We also partner with institutions that wish to cover the APCs for their researchers. Write to us at if your institution wishes to sign an agreement with us.


  • You will receive a confirmation email if your article is accepted for publication in the journal.
  • Upon acceptance of a manuscript, its authors will transfer the copyright to our journal. Our journal operates under an open-access model and all published articles are freely accessible.


  • The galley proofs of your article will be sent to the corresponding author within 10 days after the confirmation email. The corresponding author can return any corrections within 2 days. These periods may vary depending on peer review feedback and authors’ responses, especially if additional information is required.
  • Accepted manuscripts will be published online and included in the next available issue. Authors can share their published work through social media using the hashtag

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Travis Stewart
The ultimate planning solution forbusy women who want to reach their personal goals.
Travis Stewart
The ultimate planning solution forbusy women who want to reach their personal goals.
Travis Stewart
The ultimate planning solution forbusy women who want to reach their personal goals.
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Travis Stewart
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Jessica Smith
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Jessica Smith
Artbees themes
Utenim ad minim veniam quisnostrud exercitation ullamcolabor nisiut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse.
Taylor Lautner
Artbees themes

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